rats causing fires by gnawing on electrical cables

What are the risks of rats causing fires by gnawing on electrical cables?


Rats might appear as annoyances. These tiny creatures have the ability to create substantial destruction and present real dangers, such, as the risk of triggering fires by chewing on electrical wires. In the UK, where the climate and urban settings often provide ideal conditions for rats, homeowners and property managers face an ongoing battle to keep these pests at bay. In the battle, against rodents employing mouse traps, like glue pads and humane live catch traps proves to be a tactic. This article will explore the dangers posed by rats chewing on wires. Highlight the importance of opting for top notch mouse traps from MouseTraps.co.uk to safeguard your household and provide a sense of security.

rats causing fires by gnawing on electrical cables

The Real Risk: Rats and Electrical Fires:

Why Do Rats Gnaw on Wires?

Rats have an instinctive need to gnaw on hard objects to keep their continuously growing teeth at manageable lengths. Unfortunately, electrical wires are often one of their targets. The covering, on these wires has the feel for rats to chew on and if they manage to break through it the wires inside will be exposed.

Why Do Rats Gnaw on Wires?

The Consequences of Gnawing:

When rats gnaw through the insulation on electrical cables, they create a potential fire hazard. Exposed electrical wires have the potential to cause circuits resulting in sparks that could trigger fires in areas such, as attics, basements and concealed spaces behind walls where combustible materials, like insulation, wood and other debris are commonly found.

The Consequences of Gnawing

Real-Life Incidents:

Numerous incidents across the UK have highlighted the severe risks posed by rats chewing on electrical wires. For instance, a fire in a residential area of Manchester was traced back to rats gnawing on the household wiring, resulting in significant property damage and the displacement of a family. Such incidents underscore the importance of proactive pest control measures.

Effective Solutions: Sticky Glue Pads and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps

Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps:

Sticky glue pads mouse traps are one of the most effective ways to catch and control rat populations. These traps employ a glue to ensnare rats as they traverse the surface rendering them immobile away.

Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps




Benefits of Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps:

  1. Immediate Effectiveness: Sticky glue pads provide instant results, capturing rats as soon as they step onto the pad.
  2. No Poison: Unlike some pest control methods, glue pads do not use harmful poisons, making them safer for households with children and pets.
  3. Easy to Use: These traps are simple to set up and can be placed in high-risk areas like attics, basements, and kitchens.
  4. Cost-Effective: Sticky glue pads are relatively inexpensive, providing a budget-friendly solution for pest control.
  5. Discreet: These traps can be placed in hidden spots, making them less obtrusive than other types of traps.

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

For those who prefer a more humane approach, live catch humane mouse traps are an excellent choice. These devices catch rats gently ensuring their return, to the wild without causing any harm.

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps




Benefits of Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

  1. Humane: These traps ensure that rats are not harmed, addressing ethical concerns and allowing for a guilt-free pest control solution.
  2. Reusable: Live catch traps can be used multiple times, making them an environmentally friendly option.
  3. Safe for Pets and Children: With no poisons or harmful mechanisms, these traps are safe to use in households with pets and children.
  4. Effective: Despite being humane, these traps are highly effective at capturing rats, ensuring that your home remains rat-free.
  5. Educational: Using live catch traps can be a learning experience for children, teaching them about wildlife and the importance of humane treatment.

Why Choose MouseTraps.co.uk?


High-Quality Products:

We offers a wide range of high-quality mouse traps, including both sticky glue pads and live catch humane traps. These items are crafted to work well be safe and simple to use making sure you can handle rat problems effortlessly. 

Expert Advice:

The team at MouseTraps.co.uk is composed of pest control experts who can provide valuable advice on choosing the right traps and using them effectively. This expertise ensures that you can tackle rat problems efficiently and effectively.

Customer Satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is a top priority at MouseTraps.co.uk. The company values its top notch customer service, delivery and dedication to assisting customers in discovering the effective pest control options, for their requirements.


Many customers have shared their positive experiences with us, highlighting the effectiveness of the traps and the excellent customer service. For instance, Sarah from London mentioned, "The sticky glue pads I bought from MouseTraps.co.uk were a game-changer. They quickly caught the rats in my attic, and I felt much safer knowing my home was protected from potential fires."

How to Use Sticky Glue Pads and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps?


  1. Identify High-Risk Areas: Place traps in areas where rats are most likely to travel, such as along walls, near food sources, and in dark, hidden spots.
  2. Use Multiple Traps: For larger infestations, use multiple traps to increase the chances of capturing all the rats.

Setting Up Sticky Glue Pads:

  1. Unwrap the Pad: Carefully unwrap the sticky pad, avoiding contact with the adhesive surface.
  2. Place the Pad: Position the pad in the identified high-risk areas.
  3. Check Regularly: Monitor the traps regularly and replace them as needed.

Setting Up Live Catch Humane Traps:

  1. Bait the Trap: Place bait inside the trap to attract rats. Peanut butter, cheese, and dried fruit are effective options.
  2. Position the Trap: Place the trap in high-risk areas.
  3. Release the Captured Rat: Once a rat is captured, release it far away from your home to prevent it from returning.


Question 1: Are sticky glue pads safe to use around pets?
Answer: Yes, sticky glue pads do not contain poisons or harmful chemicals, making them safe to use around pets. However, it is best to place them in areas where pets cannot reach to avoid accidental contact.
Question 2: How often should I check the traps?
Answer: Check the traps daily to ensure that any captured rats are removed promptly. This prevents unpleasant odors and potential health hazards from decomposing rodents.
Question 3: Can live catch humane traps be used outdoors?
Answer: Yes, live catch humane traps can be used both indoors and outdoors. Ensure that the traps are placed in sheltered areas to protect them from weather conditions.
Question 4: What should I do if I catch a rat in a live catch trap?
Answer: Release the rat at least a mile away from your home to prevent it from returning. Choose a location that provides natural shelter and food sources for the rat.
Question 5: How can I prevent rats from entering my home?
Answer: Seal any gaps or holes in walls, doors, and windows. Keep food stored in airtight containers and maintain a clean home to reduce attractants. Regularly inspect your home for signs of rat activity.


Having rats chewing on wires can be dangerous as it increases the chance of a fire so keeping pests, under control is important, for a living environment. Sticky glue pads and live catch humane mouse traps are two of the most effective solutions for managing rat populations. By selecting top notch items, from MouseTraps.co.uk you can safeguard your household and loved ones from the threats presented by these nuisances. Make sure to act and purchase mouse traps to keep your home secure and free, from rats.

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