Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?

Living in the UK, it's not uncommon to encounter a mouse scurrying through your home. These tiny intruders might seem harmless at first glance, but did you know that mice can transmit diseases to humans through direct contact? Being mindful of the risks mice bring and finding solutions to manage them is important, for keeping a living environment. This article will explore the illnesses that mice can transmit and emphasize the advantages of utilizing Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps, which you can find on as the choices, for ensuring your home remains free, from mice.

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?

The Hidden Dangers of Mice: Diseases Transmitted Through Direct Contact

Mice are more than just a nuisance; they can be carriers of several serious diseases. Direct contact with mice, their droppings, urine, or even contaminated surfaces can lead to infections. Some of the diseases that mice can pass on to humans are quite worrisome.

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?


Hantavirus is an illness that can be transmitted by coming into contact, with feces, urine or saliva. Common signs of the disease include fever, body aches and tiredness which may develop into breathing problems.

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?


This bacterial infection is transmitted through contact with water, food, or soil contaminated with the urine of infected animals, including mice. Leptospirosis can cause high fever, headaches, muscle pain, and, in severe cases, liver damage, kidney failure, or meningitis.

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV):

LCMV is a viral infection primarily spread by the common house mouse. People can get sick by coming into contact, with urine, feces or nesting materials, from rodents. Symptoms can vary from fever. Feeling unwell to serious neurological issues.

Can mice transmit diseases to humans through direct contact?


Rodents droppings may carry Salmonella bacteria, which can contaminate surfaces and food. If consumed this bacteria can lead to stomach discomfort such, as diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps.

The Solution: Effective Mouse Traps for a Safer Home

Given the health risks associated with mice, it's crucial to manage and eliminate these pests effectively. While there are various methods to deal with mice, Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps stand out as the best options for handling these rodents. Here’s why:


Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps:

Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps are an efficient and straightforward way to catch mice. Sticky traps have adhesive to catch mice without causing them any harm.

Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps




Here are some key benefits:

  • High Efficiency: Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps are incredibly effective in capturing mice quickly. The strong adhesive ensures that once a mouse steps onto the pad, it cannot escape.
  • Non-Toxic and Safe: These traps are non-toxic, making them safe to use around children and pets. Don't fret about any chemicals or toxins.
  • Easy to Use: Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps are simple to set up and dispose of. Place them in areas where mice are commonly seen, and check regularly.
  • Cost-Effective: Sticky Traps are cheap, that makes them a cost-effective solution for rodent control.

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

If you're looking for a method Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps are an option. These traps allow you to capture mice safely and release them away, from your home. 

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps




Here are the benefits:

  • Humane and Ethical: Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps provide a compassionate way to deal with mice without harming them ethically and humanely.
  • Reusable: These traps can be used multiple times, offering long-term savings and sustainability.
  • Safe for All: Live catch traps are safe to use around children and pets, as they don’t involve harmful chemicals or mechanisms.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Releasing captured mice back into the wild helps maintain ecological balance, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

Why Choose is your go-to source for high-quality Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps. Here’s why you should consider purchasing from them:

Quality Assurance: offers traps that are tested for efficiency and safety, ensuring you get the best products available.

Expert Advice:

The team of professionals offers guidance and assistance to aid in selecting the traps and utilizing them efficiently.

Convenient Shopping:

With a user-friendly website, you can easily browse and purchase traps from the comfort of your home.

Fast Delivery: offers prompt delivery services, ensuring you receive your traps quickly when you need them the most.

fast delivery


Question 1: Are Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps safe for pets?
Answer: Yes, they are non-toxic and safe to use around pets. However, it’s best to place them in areas where pets cannot reach.
Question 2: How do I know if I have a mouse infestation?
Answer: Look for signs such as droppings, gnaw marks, and a musky odor. Hearing scratching noises at night is also a common indicator.
Question 3: How often should I check Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps?
Answer: Check the traps daily to ensure any captured mice are released promptly and humanely.
Question 4: Where should I place mouse traps for the best results?
Answer: Place traps along walls, behind appliances, and in areas where you’ve noticed mouse activity.
Question 5: What should I do if I catch a mouse using a Live Catch Humane Mouse Trap?
Answer: Release the mouse at least a mile away from your home to prevent it from returning.


Mice can pose health hazards to people by spreading diseases through direct contact. To safeguard your household and loved ones it's crucial to handle mouse infestations. Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps from offer reliable, safe, and humane solutions for managing mice. By selecting these traps you are not protecting your well-being. Also supporting ethical and eco-conscious pest management methods. Visit today to explore their range of high-quality mouse traps and take the first step towards a mouse-free home.

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