Best Alternative Of Mouse Glue Trap ASDA In UK

Best Alternative Of Mouse Glue Trap ASDA In UK

Are you fed up with those mice causing trouble in your house? While mouse glue traps from ASDA have been a popular choice, there are more effective and humane alternatives available. In this guide, we'll explore the best alternatives to mouse glue traps ASDA in the UK, focusing on two top options: Wheelio Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps.

Best Alternative Of Mouse Glue Trap ASDA In UK

Why Consider Alternatives to Mouse Glue Traps?

Traditional glue traps can be cruel and often result in unnecessary suffering for the trapped mice. Sometimes these traps might not be an option. They can be a hassle to deal with. By looking into options you may discover a more effective approach, to handling mouse issues in your house.

Best Alternative Of Mouse Glue Trap ASDA In UK

1. WHEELIO Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps:

Benefits of WHEELIO Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps:

WHEELIO Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps provide a way to trap mice without causing them any distress. Here are some key benefits:

Wheelio Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps




  • High Adhesive Strength: These traps use a strong adhesive to capture mice quickly and securely.
  • Non-Toxic: The glue is non-toxic, making it safe to use around pets and children.
  • Easy to Use: Simply place the glue pads in areas where mice are active, and they will do the rest.
  • Disposable: Once a mouse is caught, you can easily dispose of the trap, minimizing contact with the trapped animal.

How to Use WHEELIO Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps?

Wheelio Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps
  1. Identify High Traffic Areas: Place the glue pads in areas where you have noticed mouse activity, such as along walls, near entry points, or in hidden corners.
  2. Monitor Regularly: Check the traps frequently to see if any mice have been caught. This will assist you in evaluating how well the placement works.
  3. Dispose of Responsibly: Once a mouse is trapped, dispose of the pad and the mouse responsibly, ensuring to follow local guidelines for pest disposal.

2. Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

Benefits of Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps provide a compassionate approach to dealing with mice. You can use these tools to capture mice without causing them harm. Then release them back, into their environment. Here's why they're advantageous;

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps




  • Humane: These traps ensure that mice are captured without injury, allowing you to release them safely.
  • Reusable: Live catch traps can be used multiple times, making them a cost-effective solution.
  • No Chemicals: These traps do not use any chemicals or poisons, making them safe for use around children and pets.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By releasing the mice back into their natural habitat, you are promoting a more eco-friendly approach to pest control.

How to Use Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps:

Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps
  1. Set the Trap: Bait the trap with food that mice are attracted to, such as peanut butter or cheese.
  2. Place in Strategic Locations: Position the traps in areas where mice are frequently seen.
  3. Check Regularly: Inspect the traps daily to see if a mouse has been caught.
  4. Release Humanely: Once a mouse is captured, take the trap to an appropriate location far from your home and release the mouse.

Where to Buy These Alternatives?

For those looking to purchase Wheelio Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps, offers a wide range of high-quality products. Our site offers explanations and feedback, from customers to assist you in making an informed choice.



Question 1: Are sticky glue pads humane?
Answer: Sticky glue pads are designed to catch mice without killing them instantly. While they are less humane than live catch traps, they are considered more humane than traditional snap traps.
Question 2: How often should I check the traps?
Answer: You should check the traps daily to ensure that any captured mice are dealt with promptly and humanely.
Question 3: What bait should I use for live catch traps?
Answer: Common baits include peanut butter, cheese, and small pieces of bread. Mice find these enticing. They make it more likely to catch them.
Question 4: Can I reuse sticky glue pads?
Answer: Sticky glue pads are generally designed for single use. Once a mouse is captured, the pad should be disposed of responsibly.
Question 5: How far should I release captured mice?
Answer: When using live catch traps, release the mice at least one mile away from your home to prevent them from finding their way back.


When dealing with mice, in your house selecting the trap is essential. Wheelio Sticky Glue Pads Mouse Traps and Live Catch Humane Mouse Traps offer effective and humane alternatives to traditional mouse glue traps from ASDA. By choosing these methods you can adopt a way to manage pest issues. Explore to browse through their range of mouse traps and find the solution, for your needs.

Choosing a humane and effective method for dealing with mice not only helps keep your home rodent-free but also promotes a more ethical approach to pest control. Make the switch today and experience the benefits of these modern, efficient mouse traps.

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