Having rats in your home or workplace can be a health and safety concern. It is extremely important to have techniques, for managing them. Furthermore it's important to be aware of the risks that can arise from approaches, like using rat poison. In this article we will thoroughly examine the risks connected with rat poison. Explore the benefits of approaches, like sticky glue traps and live traps.
Dangers of Rat Poison:

Accidental Ingestion: One of the primary dangers of rat poison is the risk of accidental ingestion by children or pets. Rat poison baits are designed to look like food or treats which can be attractive, to children or animals who're curious.
Secondary Poisoning: Rat poison doesn't just affect the targeted rodents; it can also harm other animals through secondary poisoning. Predators or scavengers that consume poisoned rats may suffer adverse effects or even death.
Environmental Contamination: Rat poison can contaminate the environment, leaching into soil and water sources. This pollution can cause harm to animals and the environment throwing off the harmony.
Non-Target Species: In addition to rodents, rat poison can harm unintended targets such as birds, reptiles, or other mammals. These non-target species may inadvertently consume the poison, leading to unintended consequences.
Inhumane Death: Rat poison often results in a slow and agonizing death for the rodents it targets. This method of control is considered inhumane by many, raising ethical concerns about animal welfare.
Alternatives To Rat / Mouse poison:
As explained Poising rats is not a good option to get rid of them, so, instead of poisoning them you'd use appropriate methods to do so. For that here we'll discuss about rat traps and where to buy them.
Sticky Glue Traps:
Sticky pad traps are adhesive boards designed to catch rodents like rats and mice. Once placed along pathways or entry points, rodents become trapped on the sticky surface. While effective, trapped rodents may suffer until discovered and removed. These traps are best for areas where other methods aren't suitable, but require regular monitoring for humane management.
Click Here To Buy Sticky Pad Traps

Benefits of Sticky Glue Traps:
- Non-Toxic: Sticky glue traps offer a non-toxic alternative to rat poison, making them safer for households with children and pets.
- Ease of Use: These traps are simple to set up and dispose of, requiring no specialized knowledge or equipment.
- Affordability: Sticky glue traps are often cost-effective and can be purchased in bulk for larger infestations.
- Effectiveness: While most suitable for small infestations, sticky glue traps can effectively capture individual rats or mice.
Live Traps:
Live traps are humane cages with triggered door mechanisms used to catch rodents like rats and mice without harming them. Baited with food, they safely capture rodents until they can be released into the wild, making them eco-friendly and safe for households with pets or children.
Click Here To Buy Live Traps

Benefits of Live Traps:
- Humane: Live traps provide a humane approach to rat control, capturing rodents without causing harm or death. This allows for their safe release elsewhere.
- Safe for All: Live traps are safe for use around children and pets since they don't involve the use of poison or harmful chemicals.
- Reusable: These traps can be cleaned and reused multiple times, offering long-term value and sustainability.
- Environmentally Friendly: Live traps pose minimal risk of environmental contamination and harm to non-target species, making them an environmentally friendly option.
When dealing with rat / Mouse infestations, It is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the method you're going to use. In this article we'll discuss about the dangers a rat / mouse poison can cause and what are the best alternative to them to get rid of rats / mouse in your home or in your garden. And other than that we'll also discuss about the benefits and purchasing method for the Live Humane Trap and Sticky Glue Trap.