How to Make Homemade Humane DIY Mouse Trap?

How to Create Homemade Humane DIY Mouse Trap?

Building 3 Easy Homemade Humane Mouse Trap DIY - Very Simple Crafts

Dealing with a mouse problem but want to avoid killing them? With some simple household items you can create an effective Humane DIY Mouse Trap to catch mice alive and unharmed. These homemade solutions are inexpensive, reusable, and do not use any glue or toxins. Follow these directions for crafting your own live mouse trap. Below discussed process to make DIY Traps are very fun to make. If you do the 5 minute crafts very often or just watch such crafting videos, then this article is for you. We're going teach to three different types of Humane Mouse Traps.

The Bucket Trap

A bucket or large plastic container makes a great base for a homemade mouse trap. Here's how to make one:

  • Take a 5+ gallon plastic bucket and make sure it has a lid. If it doesn't, use plywood or sturdy cardboard to create one.
Use 5+ Gallon Plastic bucket To make DIY Mouse Trap
  • Bait the bottom of the bucket with pet food, peanut butter, dried fruit or nut butter. Smear some bait up the sides as well. You can checkout some of the best baiting options for mouse.
  • Place a wooden ramp or plank leading up to the rim at an angle. Mice can climb up this makeshift ramp to get to the bait inside.
Use a ramp that is leading to rim of Bucket
  • Once mice enter the bucket, their poor eyesight prevents them from finding the exit back out.
  • Check the trap frequently, remove any caught mice using thick gloves, and release them at least 5 miles away from your home.

Toilet Paper Roll Tunnel

For another quick DIY mouse trap, all you need is an empty toilet paper roll, peanut butter, and a bucket.

  • Take a toilet paper roll and bait the inside heavily with peanut butter. Mice love peanut butter and will enter the roll to eat it.
Use Empty Toilet Paper Rolls And Join Them With Sticky Tape
  • Extend the roll using tapes and pieces of cardboard to make a long tunnel. 6-12 inches long is ideal.
  • Place one end of the tunnel into a deep bucket or bin and have the other end extend out as the entry point.
  • Mice enter the roll following the scent of peanut butter, fall into the bucket, and then can't find their way out.
  • Check the bucket frequently to release the live, unharmed mice.

DIY Mouse Funnel Trap

  • Take two plastic bottles - a 2 liter bottle and a larger bottle or jar.
  • Cut the bottoms off both bottles.
  • Invert the smaller bottle and place it into the larger bottle, creating a funnel. Secure with tape.
Cut the bottoms off both bottles And Put Smaller One Inside Big Bottle
  • Bait the inner bottle with peanut butter or treats. Mice enter but can't return up the slick funnel walls.

If you want to read about some more methods to make such traps you can read our other blog on catching mouse without conventional purchased traps.

Our Experts and manufacturers have tested many of such crafts. Always when they test such a craft, it they get very low results, in terms of efficiency/success to catch mouse. When we compare these crafted traps to the traps like Sticky Mouse Traps and the snap Traps, they seem negligibly effective. We Do Guide our readers every possible way, and try to provide their relevant queries to mouse traps. But cannot recommend to use such in-efficient methods to catch mice. Rarely, all of these crafted traps catch a rat, but most of the time they waste time. Meanwhile mice can destroy your important things in the home. To get rid of them completely, UK residents can get very capable traps for mouse/rats.

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