Glue traps are the most commonly used traps to catch mice and they're also known as sticky boards. Among the common people there exists a controversy that they have inhumane working mechanisms; you can click to read about them in detail. But exactly how long does it take for a mouse caught in a glue trap to eventually die? The reality is mice can survive for prolonged periods ranging from 5 hours to 4 days before finally perishing. I would like to mention that time to die depends on, how frequently you're checking glue traps.
On the glue traps, when mice try to free themselves, they get more into the glue. And if you don't check these traps often, after a fruitless struggle they can faint down due to suffocation. When the glue passes through nose it can cause death for them. Another factor which can be cause them death is dehydration. Below are some factor that can have an effect on how long can be in their misery before their death;

Factors Affecting The Time To Die In A Glue Trap:
Trap Size – Small glue boards provide less space for mice to stick to, marginally reducing immobilization. Larger traps have more surface area for mice to get stuck to.
Trap Placement – Open exposed spaces cause more panic versus traps placed inside boxes or corners where mice feel hidden and secure.
Sustained Injuries – Mice that suffer torn skin, severed limbs, or broken bones expire quicker than untouched mice. Injuries exacerbate decline.
Weather Factors – Mice die faster from dehydration in hot, dry conditions versus cool, shaded areas where moisture loss is reduced.
Range of Motion – Mice more extensively adhered over their backs and heads deteriorate quicker than mice glued just by the feet or tail. Total motion restriction speeds depletion.
Age and Health – Younger mice and those already sick or injured have less strength to endure immobilization without sustenance.
Social Company – Shared body heat from grouped mice extends survival slightly versus a solo mouse.

If you don't check the glue traps frequently, they can be in intense anxiety, progressive dehydration and starvation, crippling restriction, self-inflicted wounds from struggle, and pain from adhesive bonds ripping fur and skin. Even in best case scenarios, the extended torment inflicted prior to expiration is horrific. But to deal with them humanely you can click to read usage of these Best Glue Traps in UK.