Dealing with a clever rat that manages to avoid getting caught in traps can be frustrating. But in this article we're going to give you some of the tried and working tricks that can help you to catch this clever rat. Below are some of the tips and tricks to catch the this sharp mouse which you're unable to catch, even with the help of mouse traps.
Take Advantage of Biology
Mice are naturally attracted to warmth and small dark spaces. This instinct drives them to burrow into cozy nests. You can use this information for your benefit when baiting for the rat. Choose enclosed trap designs and locate them along walls or corners. Mice tend to travel along edges for security. Warm the trap slightly with a hairdryer or hand warmers before placing it to lure the mouse inside. A trap that seems like an appealing nest is more likely to trap a cautious mouse.

Use Multiple Traps
Experienced mice learn to identify and avoid certain traps. But deploying different types of traps together can outfox them. Place glue boards, Human Mouse Traps, and Snap Traps all in the same area where you’ve spotted the mouse. Vary the placement and bait too. Attack from all angles by surrounding their nesting spot and food source areas. When the mouse encounters so many traps at once, it's harder for them to avoid getting caught.

Try A Live Humane Rat Trap
Veteran mice grow careful of traps that look dangerous. A live capture trap is less intimidating than a traditional snap trap. The mouse can walk in and out which seems safer. Once the mouse enters and trips the mechanism, the door closes and secures it inside unharmed. Release the trapped mouse outdoors at least 5 miles from home so it doesn’t return. Live traps allow for removal without killing.

Use Motion Cameras
If you’re dealing with a trap-savvy mouse, use motion cameras or webcams to observe its behaviors. Place cameras near trap locations when no traps are set to monitor the mouse’s travel patterns and trap avoidance techniques without scaring it off. Study its route preferences. Then set multiple traps along those pathways to ambush the mouse when it’s least expecting it. Observing the mouse’s habits will reveal the best trapping strategy.
Outsmarting an expert mouser takes some extra effort. But armed with the right bait, trap selection, and strategic placement, you can catch that wily rodent. Observe mouse behaviors to customize an ambush. With persistent trapping attempts, you can finally outfox that trap-avoiding mouse. If you're in a search for a Humane Rat Trap that can successfully trap a clever mice you can click to buy.