Best Food Options For A Mouse Trap To Catch A Mice

What To Put In A Mouse Trap - Best Baiting Options

5 Best Food Options You Can Use In A Mouse Trap

If you have mice in your home, You might remain curious all the time that What to put in a mouse trap. As we know that for decades most effective way to catch mice, is by using a mouse trap. But not all mouse traps are created equal. Having the right bait in your trap can make all the difference in whether you successfully catch any mice or not. So, if you want to know about the best baits that can help you catch mice easily, you're at the right place. Here we would tell you about the foods that can turn out as the best baits for catching mice.


This classic bait works for a reason. Mice are attracted to the smell of cheese. Hard cheeses like cheddar and Swiss work best because they stay on the trap better. You can use small chunks of cheese or cheese spreads like cream cheese or brie. Even though they might not have the level of preference, for this treat as they do for sugary snacks it remains an outstanding option to entice mice into traps. The stronger the flavor of the cheese the more effective it becomes!

You can put easily accessible chees in a mouse trap


Peanut Butter

Like cheese, mice love the smell of peanut butter. Sticky peanut butter clings to the trigger of the trap well. Opt for chunky peanut butter over smooth or crunchy versions. When setting up your trap make sure to apply a layer of bait, on the trigger. Be cautious not to use much as it may end up sticking to the jars sides of falling onto the floor when you pull back on it.

Peanut Butter's Strong order also can attract a mouse to your trap


Mice naturally forage for grains and seeds. Whole and steel-cut oats work very well. You can also use bird seed, sunflower seeds, dried corn kernels, or mixed grains. Mice naturally forage for grains and seeds. Whole and steel-cut oats work very well. But you can also opt for bird seed or some other grains or seeds. Mice have an inclination, towards seeds and nuts due, to their diet in the wild. As a result when these food items are used as bait mice are naturally attracted to them.

Oats and Seeds Are Rats Natural Apatite


These little creatures of nature are attracted to fatty and oily foods. Bacon grease, bits of bacon, and other fatty meats can be placed on the trap's trigger. They are also excellent, for any mouse trap because you can easily slice them into the desired size and its common, for most individuals to have a pack stored in the refrigerator.

Bacon or Meat can also be good attraction for mouse


While not healthy for mice, they cannot resist chocolate! Try using small pieces of chocolate candy, or chocolate chips on your trap. Mice have a preference, for treats making candy or chocolate an option to attract them into your mouse traps or refillable bait stations. It's worth noting that soft candies are more effective, in triggering the trap mechanism since mice need to exert some effort to remove them unlike candies that can easily roll off without activating the trap.

Sweetness of Chocolate and Candy can also trap them

If you had a confusion that "what you should put in a trap?", in order to increase the chances to catch a mice. We hope that, reading our brief post about the "options to put in a mouse trap" you aren't having this confusion anymore. For recommendation we would suggest you to use seeds or nuts, as they're more inclined towards these type of foods. We hope you would get succeeded in dragging them to your traps. And for checking out our humane mouse traps click to get, at your doorstep anywhere in UK.

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