WHEELIO Mouse Trap Sticky Pads - Ultimate Usage Guide

WHEELIO Mouse Trap Sticky Pads - Ultimate Usage Guide

Mouse Trap Sticky Pads - The Ultimate User Guide For Trapping Rats Humanely

What Are Mouse Trap Sticky Pads

Mouse trap sticky pads, also known as glue boards or glue traps, are devices used to catch and hold mice using an extremely sticky adhesive surface. They consist of a layer of very strong commercial-grade glue spread over a cardboard or plastic backing. They consist of a layer of very strong commercial-grade glue spread over a cardboard or plastic backing. Some people categorize this way of trapping mouse, as not humane trap. But this is not the whole picture. It is only a side of picture. And in this article we would try to draw a complete picture of this Mistry.

The pads are designed to catch and immobilize mice through sticking their feet and fur to the glue, not allowing them to escape. Glue traps are placed along walls or in areas with mouse activity and the adhesive holds onto any mice that make contact with it.

Effective WHEELIO Mouse Trap Sticky Pads

Inhumane Nature Of Sticky Mouse Pad - Busting The Myth 

Firstly to kick our topic further, we're going to bust the myth that "Glue Pads are inhumane". Below are some reasons why it not inhumane way of catching mouse:

(1) Are You Checking The Pads Frequently?

Glue traps should be checked at least every 8-12 hours. Mice can experience distress when stuck for too long. Frequently inspecting traps prevents mice from enduring extended suffering. If you really care for a living being you need to be little more cautious about them then. This point sets a solid foundation to support my argument that sticky pads doesn't have inhumane nature. The Actual point here is the use of these pads, if you use them with a little care, you would also feel that; these pads aren't inhumane in nature.

(2) Are You Placing the Pads At Right Spots?

Place glue pads out of sight inside boxes with small entrances. This provides trapped mice a closed space to feel hidden and secure. Or there are multiple other options, if you don't want to place pads into a close space, like a box. You can place them under the couch, caught rat would feel secure. And open space exposure causes panic. Or you can place the pads in any other spaces where they can feel secure. The whole point is, if we want to catch mouse humanely, we need to improvise our technique to use the trap.

Place Sticky Traps In Corners Or In Hidden Spaces

(3) Are You Giving Them Treats?

Providing high value treats like peanut butter, pet store treats or dark chocolate can distract trapped mice and reduce anxiety levels while handling them. This is an excellent way to prevent them going to panic. Also providing some high value food along side the trap can save them from starvation. As this can be a compensation for the if you don't check the trap pads properly. Want to know about what to provide them? you can click to read more.

Feed Them With High Quality Food

(4) Using The Right Ways To Release Mouse From Trap?

  • Use oil to unstick - Apply a small amount of vegetable, olive or coconut oil to stuck areas to gently loosen glue's grip and free the mouse. Avoid pulling mice directly off the pad. You may be familiar of the fact that, oil dissolves the adhesive bonds.
Use Oil To Remove Mouse From A Sticky Pad

Important: Before pulling mouse off the pad make sure the glue is not grippy anymore.

  • Wear gloves/use sticks - Always wear thick gloves when freeing a trapped mouse to avoid bites. Gently hold the mouse down with a soft stick or ruler when loosening glue bonds to minimize escape attempts.
Use Gloves To Remove Them From Pads And To Remain Safe
  • Allow mouse to walk off - Once freed, let the mouse voluntarily walk off the pad onto a soft dry cloth rather than lifting it up. This gives it footing and control over exiting on its own.

Perform these precautions carefully, as they lead you to the safe release of the mouse. Also you can save yourself from the panic bites. If you want to know more about releasing mice, you can click to read.

So far, I hope that I have addressed the best ways and the factors to use mouse trap sticky pads in go, in-order to deal with them humanly. Below we are going to discuss about the effectiveness of these sticky pads;

Mouse Sticky Pads Effectiveness In Catching Mice Humanely & Best Options In UK:

Sticky Mouse Pad traps are among the top few traps for catching the mice effectively. Once a mouse gets closer to it, and with noticing the sticky pad if rat moves towards your bait. There's no ways, it remains safe from getting into the trap. And you can easily get rid of these mice, but you need to be little gentle with little creature.

Ideal In-Terms Of Value For Money: One-use glue boards have a capture rate of about 75% in ideal conditions. However, effectiveness goes down over time as mice learn to avoid previously placed traps. But rotating trap locations is key.

The Most Effective Humane Mouse Trap In UK

Effective When Their Placement Is Strategical: Moreover, Their effectiveness depends heavily on strategic placement in areas of high mouse activity. Without proper placement, the traps may see limited success. Placing them along walls, in corners, or travel routes maximizes contact opportunities. Most of the Glued traps have more limited effectiveness for catching larger rats. They are best suited for trapping smaller mice.

Best Sticky Trap In UK: Our WHEELIO Mouse Trap Sticky Pads have best quality glue used on them. If you just place it at the right place, you can get very positive results out of it. As our Traps have larger Surface areas and deeper glue depths, thus are more effective overall. More coverage and stickier glue increases the chances of capturing rodents.


If you have made till here, I am assuming that you have read all the instructions and misconceptions about the Sticky Mouse Traps. And I hope after delivering such data to I have successfully made my point clear to you. If you agree with my argument you can proceed to buy the Best Humane Sticky Mouse Trap UK, for UK residents the process is very seamless and you get sticky pads to your doorsteps.

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