Whenever any person try to deal with the problem of mice in their home, it can go worse and frustrating if you chose the right trap for your home. Getting rid of mice effectively means using the right trapping methods. And there are a few options when you try to choose between these traps in UK. In my experience, glue traps tend to be the most effective overall.
The Glue/Sticky Traps:
Glue traps, also known as sticky traps, are simple boards or cards coated with an extremely sticky adhesive. The traps are strategically placed along baseboards, in corners, or other areas where mice travel. When a mouse steps onto the board, it immediately gets stuck to the glue. The more a mouse struggles, the more engulfed it becomes. The Build of these sticky traps is not like that to harm any of mice. The mice only suffers from these traps if you place them in very open. Or if you don't check them frequently, the rats are going to suffer more and more.

Positives Of Using Sticky Mouse Traps:
The main advantage of using glue traps is their strategic placement. You can situate them right along mouse runways and in narrow spaces where mice pass through. The traps don't need to be baited or set, allowing you to catch mice passively. And unlike snap traps which catch one mouse at a time, glue boards can catch multiple mice in a single placement. If you don't have enough sticky mouse pads click to buy.
Some Negatives:
There are some downsides to glue traps, however. They can catch other creatures accidentally, like insects or even pets. The traps also don't kill the mice quickly, meaning you have to dispose of live mice caught in the glue. And disposing the mice can be disturbing for some of you. Easiest method that some adapt is to throw away mice stuck with the glue trap. Or some might have courage to save the trapped mice, and release it gently into the woods. Or they can release the mice anywhere away from home, using anti-stick elements. The main reason to select sticky traps was the strategic placement, if you use these traps at the right locations, you can prevent non-target catches.

Still, when used correctly, I find that glue traps are the most reliably effective mouse trap For UK residents. Their simple, passive nature allows you to strategically trap mice along their natural paths in your home. Just be sure to check the traps frequently to dispose of any live mice humanely. Combining glue traps with other methods like snap traps can help solve a mouse problem quickly.